Getting Started#

Install the MiniWoB++ Library#

To install the MiniWoB++ library, use pip install miniwob.

Alternatively, clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd miniwob-plusplus
pip install -e .

If this gives you problems, try again and add pip’s --ignore-installed flag.

Install Chrome/Chromium and ChromeDriver#

We strongly recommend using Chrome or Chromium as the web browser, as other browsers may render the environments differently.

The MiniWoB++ Python interface uses Selenium, which interacts with the browser via the WebDriver API. Follow one of the instruction methods to install ChromeDriver. The simplest method is to download ChromeDriver with the matching version, unzip it, and then add the directory containing the chromedriver executable to the PATH environment variable:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/chromedriver

For Chromium, the driver may also be available in a software package; for example, in Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt install chromium-driver

Development Environment#

For information about setting up a development environment, see