Javascript API#

MiniWoB++ environments incorporate a few JavaScript utilities, many of which are used by the Python interface.


Sets the global random seed of the environment. The optional argument seed can be any object.


Returns a nested object containing information about the current DOM states. The returned object corresponds to the <body> element. Its children can be accessed under the children field.

Each visible DOM element is converted into an object with the following fields:

  • tag (string): Tag name

    • For normal elements, this is the uppercased tag name (e.g., "DIV")

    • For <input> elements, the input type is appended (e.g., "INPUT_text")

    • Each non-empty text node is converted into pseudo-elements with tag "t", where each pseudo-element represents one line of text. However, if the text node is the only child of the parent. The text pseudo-element is not created, and its text is assigned to the parent element instead.

  • ref (number): Reference number

    • Within each episode, the ref number of the same object stays the same

    • For the same random seed, the ref number of the same object should be the same

    • ref for normal elements start from 1, while ref for text psuedo-elements counts down from -1

  • children (list): Recursive list of objects corresponding to the children

  • left, top, width, height (number): Geometry of the element

  • id (string): Element’s id

  • classes (string): Element’s classes (space-separated)

  • bgColor, fgColor (string): Background and foreground colors

  • focused (boolean): Indicates if the element is being focused on

  • tampered (boolean): Indicates if the element is tampered (clicked, focused, typed, etc.)

  • value: For <input>, this contains the input value

    • For checkbox and radio types, this contains a boolean whether the input is selected

    • For other input types, this contains a text value

  • text (string): For child nodes and text pseudo-elements, this contains the text content


Can be called on the result of getDOMInfo() to get a flattened representation. Useful for debugging in Chrome console.


Clicks on an element regardless of its location and visibility. The argument ref is the ref value generated by the previous call to getDOMInfo().


Visualizes the attention weights on the screen. The argument values is a 2D array of shape 20 × 20.